How Will Indonesia’s JETP Move The Country Beyond Coal?
The Just Energy Transition Partnership for Indonesia announced last year – with more details due in mid-2023 – targets coal-fired power plants. Nithin Coca reports on how it will, and will not, change the country’s energy system. Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country and fifth-largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter, is crucial to the success of the Paris Agreement and any attempt to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. However, as a developing country still highly dependent on natural resources and fossil fuels, it has long been clear that it will not decarbonise without significant international support. That is
Indonesia’s Biofuel Push Must Go Beyond Palm Oil to Reduce Risk, Experts Say
Indonesia faces deforestation, energy and security risks from its overreliance on palm oil as a feedstock for its biofuel transition program, observers say. The government will in February increase the biofuel blend in diesel to 35%, from the current 30%, with an eye on a 50:50 blend by 2025 — and eventually fossil-free biodiesel. But the program calls for a massive increase in palm oil production — and with yields largely stagnant, this will almost certainly mean clearing more land to establish new oil palm plantations. Experts say the government should diversify its sources of biofuel feedstock to curb
Analysis: Can Indonesia Ditch Coal and Improve Lives With New Green Deal?
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 18 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – After clinching one of the largest-ever climate finance deals to shutter its coal-fired power plants early, Indonesia needs to work out how to make sure communities that will be impacted by the shift to renewable energy do not lose out, analysts said. A coalition of rich nations pledged $20 billion of public and private finance to help Indonesia retire its coal power plants sooner than planned, the United States, Japan and other partners said this week. The Indonesia Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), which involves providing grants and concessional loans over
Jakarta’s Two Sources of Air Pollution Solution
This TEMPO article features a webinar entitled ‘Central Jakarta District Court Decision regarding Jakarta’s Clean Air Demand, What is the Next Step?’ on Thursday, October 7, 2021 and quotes Ricky Amukti from Traction Energy Asia. Read the coverage here.
Independent Smallholders Must be Included in the Biodiesel Supply Chain
Taufik Radhianshah, researcher, and Ricky Amukti as the Engagement Manager for Traction Energy Asia conveyed the results of the study that the policy to place independent oil palm smallholders in the national biodiesel supply chain was feasible. Read the coverage here.
Potential of Cooking Oil as an Alternative to Palm Oil Biodiesel
Tirto cites a Traction Energy Asia study that recommends the use of “second generation” biofuels, including used cooking oil (UCO). Read the article here.
Biodiesel Supply Chain Carbon Footprint
The research results of Traction Energy Asia are quoted in this article, namely that the biodiesel production process on the upstream side actually produces higher emissions than downstream. Read the Katadata analysis here.